Partner with Skan

We’re excited to engage with a global ecosystem of Consulting and Technology leaders to work with us to bring the power of Skan’s Process Intelligence platform to more customers globally and transform how we deliver data-driven actionable solutions to our customers. To get started, please complete our Partner Intake form and join us in our journey.

Business Partners

Skan's consulting and implementation partners form a strategic network dedicated to delivering seamless integration and expert guidance, ensuring our clients achieve unparalleled success in deploying and optimizing our innovative solutions.

Technology Partners

Skan's technology partners are industry leaders, collaborating to enhance and optimize our cutting-edge solutions. Together, we form a powerful ecosystem committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation and driving unparalleled value for our clients.

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A comprehensive & differentiated offering

A Comprehensive & Differentiated Offering

Our holistic end-to-end process intelligence solution is built around a privacy-first architecture and delivers detailed metric-based insights. Introduce existing and new customers to a range of strategic & complementary use cases by leveraging Skan’s platform.

Automation and Transformation

Automation and Transformation

Our broad range of use cases serve as the foundation for streamlining processes and fostering digital evolution. Uncover crucial operational and quality metrics that play a pivotal role in guiding your automation and transformation journey.

Grow with Us

Grow with Us

Generate incremental revenue by referring customers to Skan. Our platform will enable you and the customer to identify “new” areas of potential opportunity outside the purview what is known today.

Become a Partner

Join the Skan Partner Ecosystem to help enterprises reveal and fix process inefficiencies and enable them to perform at levels they never thought was possible.
