Skan Helps F50 Healthcare Payer Boost Customer Service Transformation

  • IndustryHealth Insurance & Services
  • Company Size 10,000+
  • Revenue $6B+
  • Location United States

Our Client

This Fortune 50 company leverages technology to provide health insurance for over 150+ million people across the U.S. For their customers, they merge the power of data with a full range of benefits to improve the healthcare experience from top to bottom.



To deliver best-in-class administrative services at an optimized price point, the client wanted to transform their operating model with Process Intelligence and a new automation initiative. To start, the client selected their Health Benefits Administration (HBA) department for initial optimization. The HBA call volume was heavy, with 3m+ calls annually. The workload dipped First Call Resolution (FCR) to 72%, the result of in-sourcing key customer service functions.

Aiming to improve FCR to 80%+, the client realized they needed to move beyond existing manual observation tools. Through their journey to improve FCR, the client also wanted to reduce call Average Handle Time (AHT), optimize workforce capacity, and establish an auditable model for compliance.

Workforce Optimization
annual savings through an 8% improvement in workforce capacity utilization.
Process Standardization
annual savings from a 20% reduction in process variability and optimization.


With their innovative Process Intelligence platform, Skan created end-to-end process maps and provided insights on workforce capacity utilization, productivity, and automation opportunities. Skan's solution provided the client with insights into variant analysis and discovered patterns for rework loops.

By identifying and training the workforce, Skan helped the client improve its overall efficiency and streamline its processes. Armed with insights from Skan's Process Intelligence, the company was able to gain valuable insights into its operations and make data-driven decisions to drive growth and profitability.



The changes netted the client $1.6m in annual savings via an 8% improvement in workforce capacity utilization.

A 20% reduction in process variability, achieved by identifying and implementing select Standard Operating Procedures, led to another $1.7m in annual savings. The partnership also yielded: 

  • Automation of 80% of customer account update cycle workflows, based on an analysis of how the business was using customer account screens  
  • Improved FCR to 77% with a clear path defined for reaching the client's 80% target mark
  • Reduced AHT by 12% across all case types  

“The depth and specificity of the data-driven insights delivered by Skan in 3 months would have taken a team of 8 six sigma blackbelts more than a year to put together.”


Director Process Excellence

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