Skan Revolutionized Claims Refunds for Leading Airline Booking Company

  • IndustryTravel & Hospitality
  • Company Size 2500+
  • Revenue $900M+
  • Location Europe

Our Client

The client is a leading global travel tech company headquartered in the Czech Republic, employing over 2,500 people worldwide. Their innovative algorithm enables users to find better route options and prices than other search engines, performing billions of price checks per day across 95% of global flight market. 100 million searches are carried out every day on their website and partner channels and on an average over 70,000 seats are sold daily.


The goal was clear: make the claims refund process smoother for the team of over 100 process executives. They were spending too much time on each case, and they needed to figure out why. The aim was simple: find out what was causing the delays and come up with better ways to make decisions about it.
Cost Savings
in annual savings from improvements in capacity utilization and processing time
Improvement in workforce utilization


Skan performed a deep analysis to gain insights into key operational metrics at the claims processing center in order to identify opportunities for improvement. One area of focus was turnaround times (TATs) for claims processing, which were found to be higher than desired. By analyzing the root causes, Skan identified that complex claims often bounced back and forth between different teams trying to determine the appropriate resolution, leading to delays.

Skan also looked at the number of reworked claims and the average handling time. Here we found that claims had to be reworked due to errors, adding unnecessary time to the process.

Additionally, Skan identified several opportunities for automation in the claims handling process itself. By implementing robotic process automation for repetitive tasks, capacity and productivity could be improved. The center was also only running at 51.8% capacity currently, so there was room to handle more claims volume without adding staff.

Finally, Skan found that adjusters were relying heavily on Google Docs, which was adding 5% to the overall claims cycle time. By reducing this dependency and utilizing more streamlined claims management tools, overall process efficiency could be improved by 4%.



By leveraging insights from Skan, the team achieved $1.3 million in annual savings from 30% increase in capacity utilization, and a 4% reduction in processing time. Skan identified the root causes of increased Average Handling Time (AHT). Through meticulous analysis of reworked cases and targeted agent training, AHT and first-pass rate were improved significantly, culminating in improvement in productivity and enhanced customer experience. Skan identified additional opportunities for automation that would further reduce processing and turnaround times and deliver an unparalleled level of customer satisfaction.

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