Next Generation Process Intelligence Empowering Business Operations to Achieve Peak Performance

Accelerate your journey to data-driven process excellence and digital transformation.


What is Skan?

Disrupting both process mining and task mining, Skan provides a seamless, real-time exploration of human work and operational processes, generating a comprehensive end-to-end view through data, models, and analytics. Skan's strength lies in its ability to observe human workflows and operations with zero integrations into backend systems, ensuring rapid speed to value. With the strategic application of generative AI, Skan is pioneering the next generation of process intelligence covering intelligence, analytics and execution.

Benefits of Skan

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Understand End-to-end Processes

Capture and measure how people work and operations run end to end. 


Continuously Monitor Efficiency & Effectiveness

Continuously measure and analyze KPIs across people, processes, and applications.


Identify Performance & Compliance Gaps

Identify process gaps to the SOP and to SLAs, and assess root causes.


Standardize Processes across Your Value Chain

Streamline, redesign workflows, and train workers to align processes more closely with business objectives.


Identify RPA & Gen AI Automation Opportunities

Identify patterns for both RPA and Gen AI automation, and build the business case for change.


Align Strategic Initiatives to Business Priorities

Link actionable insights to strategic initiatives and investments across functions and departments.

Featured by Industry-Leading Analysts

Explore the latest analyst reports in the Skan Knowlege Hub

Skan the Possibilities for Peak Performance 

With Skan’s Process Intelligence technology, you continuously understand how people work and operations run. We help you unlock your organization’s potential to achieve peak performance, driving operational excellence, business transformation, and continuous improvement.

Buyers Guide

Process Intelligence: A Buyer’s Guide

Learn how to evaluate and utilize a Process Intelligence platform to transform your business.

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Skan the possibilities and ignite your business transformation with our non-intrusive, zero-integration technology that empowers organizations with data-driven business insights to maximize productivity and digital innovation.

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