Global F200 Enterprise Partners with Skan for Customer Setup SLA

  • IndustryInformation Services
  • Company Size 10,000+
  • Revenue $900M+
  • Location United States

Our Client

This global information and analytics company provides decision tools and analytics to customers. It is a provider of legal, regulatory, and business information and analytics that help customers increase productivity, improve decision-making and outcomes, and advance the rule of law around the world.



The Director of Content and Analytics sought to understand the inner workings of the Customer Setup process, which handled both new business and renewals across the Sales, Sales Ops, and Customer Operations teams. However, lengthy delays plagued handoffs between these groups, with deadlines often slipping at month's end. 

Pinpointing the root cause of such inefficiencies proved challenging, as the process spanned multiple teams relying heavily on tribal knowledge and lacked documentation or service level benchmarks. By creating visibility into this opaque web of cross-functional dependencies, the Director hoped to identify opportunities to streamline setup and enhance collaboration.

Cost Savings

annual savings with improvement in processing time.

Processing Time

improved with reduction in rework.   



Skan's analysis revealed some concerning inefficiencies in the company's end-to-end processing time (E2E PT). The data showed that 75% of E2E PT was attributable to Sales and Sales Ops, with only 20% of cases being passed downstream to Customer Operations for timely action. Even more troubling, 80% of cases arrived too close to month-end, causing backlogs and processing delays across the board.

Perhaps most alarmingly, 12% of cases required rework with multiple loopbacks, inflating processing times by a staggering 445% due to incorrect or incomplete information.
This data highlighted opportunities to streamline hand-offs between teams, improve month-end planning, and enhance quality control measures that could greatly optimize workflow and reduce E2E PT. 



By leveraging Skan's analytical capabilities, the client uncovered valuable insights that allowed it to pinpoint inefficiencies in the customer setup workflows. Armed with this intelligence, Skan then provided the client with targeted recommendations on how to streamline the processes and accelerate processing times.


The insights Skan delivered empowered the client to make data-driven decisions that optimized productivity and enhanced overall operational performance. By partnering with Skan, the client gained an invaluable advantage - the ability to continuously improve and refine the customer setup processes based on real-time insights and metrics.

“We conducted an analysis on this process 3 years ago through manual interviews and observation, but never got any meaningful insights, that Skan was able to produce and uncover in 2 months” 
Process Excellence Manager

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