Global Healthcare Consulting Firm Team with Skan to Boost Compensation

  • IndustryHealthcare
  • Company Size 10,000+
  • Revenue $2B+
  • Location United States

Our Client

The client is a management consulting and technology firm focused on transforming global healthcare. They leverage leading-edge analytics, plus the power of data, science and products to help their clients make more intelligent decisions. Founded in 1983, they have more than 10,000 employees in 35 offices worldwide.


The objective was to streamline operations and improve overall efficiency by meticulously mapping out each step in the incentive compensation process. This approach provided transparency and clarity on how people, processes, and technology come together to process each case. This paved the way for identifying potential areas of improvement.

The aim was to gain actionable insights into how people, process, technology each contribute to the overall efficiency and performance of the workflow. Additionally, the client wanted to identify variations within the processes to enable a thorough analysis of data flow and comparison of lead times across different process variants. By analyzing these variations, the plan was to optimize processes and foster continuous improvement within the system.

Cost Savings
estimated annual savings from process re-engineering
increase in number of cases processed annually by reducing the average processing time


In just four weeks, Skan delivered actionable insights across various dimensions. We meticulously conducted end-to-end process mapping, offering a detailed understanding of each operational step. Skan's process intelligence highlighted crucial metrics such as average processing time and process variants, facilitating a deeper understanding of performance dynamics.

Additionally, the technology insights suggested ways to optimize capacity utilization and reduce processing time through enhanced technology utilization. By analyzing workforce data, Skan identified variations and proposed recommendations for standardization, aiming to enhance workforce efficiency and consistency. Furthermore, Skan pinpointed automation opportunities, streamlining repetitive tasks and bolstering overall operational efficiency.



The outcomes derived from Skan's insights were transformative. By implementing the recommendations, significant improvements were achieved. Firstly, there was a notable reduction in the amount of rework required, leading to a decrease in the overall effort spent on processing each case. Secondly, the implementation of recommendations aimed at reducing average processing time resulted in a substantial increase in the number of cases processed per year. Moreover, the detailed process map provided a clear overview of all activities, highlighting variations and presenting opportunities for automation.

As a result of these improvements, the client estimated an impressive $2.7 million in annual savings through process re-engineering, showcasing the tangible impact of the interventions on organizational efficiency and financial performance.

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