Top Energy Firm Partners with Skan to Enhance Tenancy Change Process

  • IndustryEnergy & Utilities
  • Company Size 3,000+
  • Revenue $10B+
  • Location United States

Our Client

This client is a leading energy company engaged in renewable power generation, the production of sustainable biomass and the commercial sale of renewable electricity. The company operates a global bioenergy supply business with manufacturing facilities at 13 sites in the United States and Canada, producing compressed wood pellets for its own use and for customers in Europe and Asia.


The client's goal was to gain a comprehensive understanding of the current workforce capacity utilization and productivity. By analyzing these factors, the aim was to optimize the utilization of resources and enhance overall productivity. 

Moreover, the client was keen on understanding the deviation of processes from best practices, as well as the volume and time spent on various activities. This analysis was to shed light on inefficiencies and areas for improvement within the workflow, enabling the client to implement measures that align processes with industry best practices and streamline activities for enhanced efficiency.

Lastly, the client wanted to gain insights into technology and automation opportunities. By exploring technology solutions and automation options, the goal was to identify potential areas where technological interventions can optimize processes, reduce manual effort, and drive operational excellence. 
Cost Savings
estimated annual savings by improving workforce utilization, process improvement and automation
workforce utilization target achieved with enhanced coaching


Skan provided invaluable insights across various facets of the client's operations. Firstly, we shed light on workforce utilization, offering a detailed assessment of the team's current capacity utilization and suggesting targeted training initiatives to enhance their capabilities and meet predefined benchmarks. 

Secondly, Skan's process intelligence revealed variations in case processing time, pinpointing inefficiencies that were leading to both operational inefficiency and financial loss. 

Lastly, the technology intelligence uncovered repetitive activities within investigation and processing, proposing recommendations for automation to streamline these tasks and improve overall efficiency. Through these insights, Skan not only identified areas for improvement but also provided actionable recommendations to drive tangible enhancements in operational performance and financial outcomes.


The benefits and outcomes derived from these initiatives are substantial and far-reaching. Firstly, by ensuring compliance with best practice documentation, the organization stands to significantly reduce costs and mitigate the risk of legal complications, safeguarding its financial health and reputation. 

Additionally, the implementation of a reporting dashboard will help in streamlining case management processes, minimizing the need for multiple participants' involvement in resolution and ultimately leading to quicker case closures. This enhanced efficiency not only expedites case resolution but also frees up valuable capacity, mitigating the accumulation of backlogged cases. 

Moreover, the projected £4.1 million in estimated annual savings resulting from improvements in workforce utilization, process enhancement, and automation underscores the tangible cumulative financial impact of these initiatives, further solidifying the organization's competitive edge and long-term sustainability.    

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